Hamba ALLAH swt yang Luarbiasa !

Salam Satu Akidah! ^_^

             First of all, I would like to give thanks to Allah swt because let me continue wrote something ini this simple blog as my mahar untuk ke syurga, inshaALLAH.
Apa khabar pembaca-pembaca yang comel? Semoga semua comel lah hendaknya. Hehe.

I am now struggling in doing my assignment that should be submit this Friday,2 November 2011.


 I cannot stop my fingers to click here and there. When I am waiting for some information too long, I will start to do anything else. So, what is the problem?


Yup, I know.. I supposed to be more responsible to my assignment, but..
This is what happened! So, when I am failed to finish my assignment, I will start said 'If tomorrow never comes'..
Haha. No lah. I will said.. " 

Kalaulah aku..Kalaulah aku buat begini..Kalaulah aku dulu ndak begini..", 

and what I've said before in my previous posting(penyakit kalau), that habits usually one of the bad habit. So, in Al-Quran, Allah swt said :

 Grievously odious is it in the sight of Allah that ye say that which ye do not.
Translation : Amat besar kebenciannya di sisi Allah jika kamu memperkatakan sesuatu yang kamu tidak melakukannya.
As-Saff : 3

So, I can said that, if you dont want all of that, dont say something that you didnt do. Itu merupakan salah satu sifat yang dimurkai Allah swt. Contohnya bila kita di rumah, kita suruh adik-adik kita solat. Kita bagi hadis budak tadika, Solat itu tiang agama. Lepas tu, adik-adik solat, kita pula ndak solat? Apa mahu jadi? Hah! Itulah akibatnya. Adik-adik pun benci sebab Kakak atau Abang diorang bersifatt...

Bagus kan Al-Quran ni. Syumul dari semua aspek.
Allah swt tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hambaNya. 

Oh yeah, bila cakap pasal kesyumulan Islam, sebenarnya tadi aku jadi moderator untuk present Assignment kami dalam bentuk forum. Nama pun subjek Dialog Antara Agama kan. Jadi, cara terbaik untuk buat orang lain faham ialah melalui praktikal dialog.

Tadi ahli-ahli panel semua dengan hujah-hujah yang mantap dan padat. Ada yang membentangkan keindahan Islam dari segi sosial, politik, dan ekonomi. Sekali lagi, aku rasa..

Indahnya Islam.. :)

Aku mula merasa nikmat iman dan Islam..
Aku rindukan zaman tarbiyah waktu di sekolah dulu..
Waktu bergelar adik-adik/junior..
How I wish I can turn back time..

Sekarang, bila di kampus aku kena cari jalan untuk topup iman yang kian turun,honestly. I miss the old me. :(

Yes, I know most of my friend will noticed about my changes. I know it even they are not telling me. I know they dont want me to get hurt.
I still remember when one of my bestfriend went to a Love Forum. Im using tight pants with long-sleeve shirts.
Then I asked her,because saying goes says that
"our friend is our best mirror". Am I right?

Me : Ndak ketat kah baju aku? Ndak ketat kah seluar aku? Ngam kah?

She : Hmm..Ndak laa.. (with full of guilty)

Me : Betul kah? 

She : Yaaa.. (talk less)

Then I started to felt something fishy. I looked into her face.
I took out my baju kurung, and ask her opinion.

Me : Ngam kah kalau baju ni dengan seluar ni?

She : Ngam..cantik oo..matching..! Kau pakai ini lah, biar aku seterika kan kau k? Cantik lagi kalau kau pakai ini.
Me : Ya kah..Bah, aku pakai ini lah. (feeling beauty)

Then, I am wearing that baju kurung. She said..

"Hah..ni lagi okeh..cantik lagi kalau kau pakai yang ini..
yang tadi tu nampak ketat sangat..baju kau pun pendek,ndak labuh."

I asked her : Why dont you tell me earlier? 

She : I dont want to offend you. :(


Apa kamu rasa kalau ada sahabat macam ni?
Best kan?
Tegur cara berhikmah.
Sebab tu aku berani jamin..


Okay lah.
Time to leave this blog coz I need to finish my assignment ASAP.

See you soon!

Maybe, next posting will be in Malay because my English is very teribble.



1 comment:

  1. sobsob. terharu tau baca post ni.
    asif jiddan sebab nda gtau awal2. huhu.

    i leb u pisa :D
