Hamba ALLAH swt yang Luarbiasa !

Hah, sudah baca artikel yang aku post?

Minggu ni cuti mid-sem. Seminggu jak. 
Tapi, cuti-cuti macam ni pun xboleh goyang kaki sebab ada assignment kena buat;

1. Assignment Psikologi Organisasi
2. Esei Bahasa Kadazandusun Tahap II
3. Cari contoh2 verbatim untuk present (Kemahiran Menemuduga dan Pemerhatian)

Ok lah tu. Kemarin, (orang Semenanjung cakap semalam), di rumah kami ada kenduri kesyukuran sempena konvokesyen kakak aku. Tapi malangnya, aku bekerja. 
Tapi, aku bekerja jaga gerai tiap Ahad di Pasar Minggu Gaya Street
(kalau mau tau lebih lanjut pasal Gaya Street ni, nanti aku cerita)
. Jadi, awal pagi lagi aku keluar rumah, tunggu boss datang ambil guna Hilux yang diberi nama Si Tompok.
Aku pergi kerja jam 6.30am, balik kerja paling awal 2.00pm.
Tapi oklah, sebab kawan-kawan aku datang meriahkan majlis. Aku rasa gembira hingga ke arasy. Hihi. Maklumlah, diorang xselalu datang rumah biarpun dekat. Jadi, di kesempatan Hari Raya Aidiladha ni,
berjaya akhirnya aku pujuk mereka. Pastu, ada dua orang Kakak tu aku jemput jugak. Sorang Kakak tu berniqab(purdah), sorang lagi ndak pakai niqab. Bila kakak yang berpurdah tu masuk dalam rumah, famili dengan tetamu aku pun pelik. Aku buat derk ja, aku faham sebab diorang memang jarang berjumpa dengan golongan berniqab. Kalau bagi aku, dah biasa. Sebab ramai senior2 yang aku jumpa, memang ramai berniqab, sebab diorang memang cantik! SubhanAllah. Memang tertutup itu indah.
Majlis kenduri tu siap lepas Asar. Penat makan. Huhu~
Oklah, lepas ni aku mau posting banyak-banyak lagi sebab cuti mid-sem, jadi boleh lah merapu merepek.

Oklah, jaga diri jaga hati jaga peribadi.

Assalamu'alaikum wbt.
Di sini, aku ada satu artikel yang agak menarik untuk dibaca.
Dipetik dari page scientific miracles of islam.
Artikel ni tentang kesan bercakap baik kepada individu.

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
Effect of Kind Words

"speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity"

Many people do not know the influence of a word on others. A good word may be a reason for healing someone or pleasing another. A bad word may be a reason in hurting others more than hitting! What made me write this article is a study conducted by American researchers on the influence of a bad word, but before we introduce the results of this study which was published in the Psychology Sciences newspaper, I would like to share with you a precious verse on the influence of a word.

Almighty says, "Seest thou not how Allah sets forth a parable? - A goodly word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens,- of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition. * It brings forth its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition. * And the parable of an evil Word is that of an evil tree: It is torn up by the root from the surface of the earth: it has no stability."[Ibrahim: Abraham: 24-26]

The Greatest Prophet substantiated this meaning when he said a man utters irresponsibly a word which makes him enter Paradise, and that a man says irresponsibly a word which throws him in Hell for seventy autumns!

This means that a believer should be accurate in what he says and should choose always a good word because a word has a great influence on man. Researchers said on (BBC Homepage) that the saying, "A stick and stones may break bones when words do not hurt" is not true. Painful memories geared to emotional experiences are more painful than those related to physical pain.

Researchers of this study said that changes that happen in the brain and allow us to work in group or societal frame may be the key for understanding this issue. The study sample included volunteering students who were asked to write about their painful physical and emotional experiences. Then, a tough mental test was conducted after a short time of writing these experiments.

The main principle that the study depended on was that whenever the experience which the student remembered was more painful, his performance on the test was worse. Results were better when remembering physical pain than emotional pain. Shinsung Zein, a researcher from Purdue University, Indiana, USA, said that it is difficult to revive the remembrance of physical pain compared to social and emotional pain. 

There is a side in the brain that may be responsible for experiences and painful words that man faces, that is the cerebral cortex which performs difficult processes including thinking, perception and language. This part of the brain enhances man's ability to adapt with other groups and cultures, besides, it is responsible for the reaction to pain that has a relation to the group. 

Michael Hojsman, a Child Psychology specialist in Germany, said that it is probable that several parts of the brain deal with emotional pain which is considered to have a long range effect. That is, in physical pain you can see wounds and bruises while emotional pain leaves mostly concern and fear. If pupils said to a classmate that they will punish him after classes, he will live anxiety and fear more than what may actually happen to him.

What we benefit from these results?

Such studies conducted by non-Muslims confirm the trueness of the Islam message. Allah commanded us to choose our words that do not hurt others, and positively influence others. These verses point that.

Almighty says, "Kind words and the covering of faults are better than charity followed by injury. Allah is free of all wants, and He is Most-Forbearing."[Al-Baqara: The Cow: 263] He said also, "and shun the word that is false" [Al-Hajj: The Pilgrimage: 30]. Allah ordered us to call people gently, carry out good argument and choose the word that is more influential and leaves a positive effect on others to get the correct idea about Islam. Almighty says, "Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance." [An-Nahl: The Bee: 125]

These studies should increase our assurance of the impact of the good word. The good word is a charity as told by The Prophet, The Mankind Master (pbuh). Then, consider how Allah introduced the good word in front of prayer, the foundation of religion, when he addressed Children of Israel: "speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity"
 [Al-Baqara: The Cow: 83]. 

Also, you, my brother believer, should know that every word you utter, leaves an effect on the recipient's brain, and this effect does not disappear through time but stays. Therefore, be careful to leave a good effect in the brain and hearts of others, you do not know that one word you utter may be the reason to enter Paradise on the day of meeting with Allah.

Assalamu'alaikum wbt.
Apa khabar? Anda baik-baik saja?
Okay, nampaknya ndak lama lagi Hari Raya Aidiladha aka Hari Raya Korban kan.
Huh. Apa yang kawan-kawan korbankan?
Tadi, aku ada tanya kawan, dia cakap, dia mahu korbankan;


Haa. Comel jak jawapan dia. Hihi~
Hari tu, waktu pergi program masjid, Ustaz tu sempat juga sentuh sedikit sebanyak tentang
Sirah ni. Okeh, kalau Hari Raya Aidiladha,/Korban kan, apa yang kita ingat?

Sembelih lembu? Kerbau? Nabi Ibrahim? Nabi Ismail? Pengorbanan?
Yes! You are correct. Ok lah tu.
Ustaz tu cerita macam ni. 
Ni adalah sedikit sebanyak ilmu yang berjaya aku save sebagai 'long term memory'.

Sejarah Hari Raya Aidiladha

Watak : Nabi Ibrahim (bapa), Siti Hajar (ibu), Nabi Ismail (anak)

Sebenarnya, Nabi Ibrahim sudah tua dan tidak dikurniakan cahaya mata.
At last, Nabi Ibrahim berdoa supaya Allah swt kurniakan Nabi Ibrahim pewaris untuk menyebarkan dakwah 
Islam. Selepas tu, Nabi Ibrahim pun dikurniakan anak bernama Nabi Ismail. 
Tapi, xlama lepas tu, bila Nabi Ismail membesar,
Allah perintahkan pula agar Nabi Ibrahim menyembelih Nabi Ismail.
Kalau kamu kan, apa yang kamu rasa? Mesti sedih kan.
Tapi, Nabi Ismail ni anak soleh. Nabi Ismail relakan Nabi Ibrahim sembelih Nabi Ismail.
Kalau bapa kamu mau sembelih kamu, mesti kamu lari kan. Hehe.

Tapi, lastly saat Nabi Ibrahim mau sembelih Nabi Ismail, Allah tukarkan Nabi Ismail dengan seekor kibas.
Begitu hebat iman Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Ismail kan!

Eh, lagi satu. Ustaz tu pun ada cerita yang Nabi Ibrahim ni sangat bijak. Cerita ni sangat mengagumkan aku.
So, biar aku share biarpun kamu sudah tau. Hee!
Waktu zaman Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Ibrahim dikelilingi berhala.
Banyak patung-patung yang disembah oleh umat-umat waktu tu.
Lepas tu, pada suatu hari tu Nabi Ibrahim pun memulakan rancangan baginda.
Nabi Ibrahim ambil tukul, pecahkan semua patung-patung berhala.
Tapi, Nabi Ibrahim tinggalkan satu patung berhala. Nabi Ibrahim xpecahkan semua.
Menapa? EH, kenapa??
Haa. Tu lah. Lepas tu Nabi Ibrahim pun gantung kapak kah tukul ya(kurang pasti) di leher patung berhala tu.
Apa lagi, kecoh lah semua umat yang menyembah berhala tersebut.
Diorang tangkap Nabi Ibrahim! Lepas tu Nabi Ibrahim jawab apa?
Kenapa xtanya berhala yang kamu sembah? Dia Tuhan.
Haha. Comel sungguh ayat itu.
Tapi, memang betul. Kenapa sembah patung?
Kenapa sembah matahari?
Kenapa sembah bulan?

Sedangkan semua tu sifatnya tidak kekal.
Manusia itu sendiri lebih cerdik dari sebuah patung yang xdapat berbuat apa-apa.

So, itu gunanya ilmu. Melalui ilmu, Allah akan bagi kita hidayah.
Jadi, salah satu cara untuk mencari hidayah Allah adalah melalui majlis majlis ilmu.
Xkira lah ilmu umum atau khusus.

-konferens riang aka usrah aka bulatan gembira
-ceramah agama
-menghadiri kelas
-dan banyak laggggiii~ hehe.

Hari ni Hari Arafah kan, 9 Zulhijjah 1433H. Korang puasa kah?
Semalam aku dapat mesej dari satu orang sahabat, jom puasa dia cakap.
Alhamdulillah, ada sahabat yang rajin berpuasa.

Akhir sekali,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!

Konvo Kakak

Hi Assalamu'alaikum wbt.

Just want to share about my sister's convocation!
Hari Sabtu(20 Oktober 2012) yang lalu, my Kakak konvo.
Jadi, kami 1 famili pergi lah tengok konvokesyen dia.
Not bad. Hee~
Semangat aku mau konvo pun berkobar-kobar.
Aku gerak dari masjid sebab Jumaat tu, malam, aku ada aktiviti di masjid.
Then, I ve planned to go my sister's convocation lepas program tu.
But, ada beberapa sebab aku ndak enjoy hari tu.
Sebab pertama, aku kena siapkan tugasan di library.
Sebab kedua, ada bf kakak aku.
Sebab ketiga, ada bf adik aku. =.='
Honestly, semua tu buat aku jadi !@#$%^&. 
Pastu, aku ada tugasan kumpulan, at the same time aku kena rushing tengok konvokesyen kakak aku.
Last2, aku xdapat pun masuk dalam dewan, aku duduk luar jaga Hafiz. Haha.
Xapa lah. Aku bagi peluang Madam Mama dgn Mr.Baba untuk tengok
anak sulung mereka satu-satunya menerima segulung ijazah. :)
Nanti aku konvo, siapa lah mahu tengok aku kan??Hmmm..
Apa-apa pun, tahniah Kakak.
Namo taip banyak2 lah.
Aku mau pergi kelas sebenarnya.
Hari ni aku ada test Bahasa KadazanDusun Tahap II.
Mudah-mudahan Allah permudahkan urusan aku.
Doakan aku! ^_____^

Hi there!
Assalamu’alaikum wbt.
Now, Alhamdulillah. I am enjoying my new 2nd hand laptop. Ekeke.
Mula-mula tu, aku ada sedikit argument dengan Madam Mama dan Mr Baba tentang keputusan mau beli laptop 2nd hand ni.
They said that, aku patut beli yang harga RM500 ke bawah untuk beli 2nd hand laptop.
Lepas sedikit ketidaksamaan pendapat, aku diamkan pendapat aku. Biar ditelan masa.
And, last nite, I have a discussion with Madam Mama. I told her that I am now very desperate for having my own laptop or PC. I said that if they are disagreeing me, I will buy a 2nd hand PC.
Then, my Mama said, ikut suka kau lah.
Lepas tu aku panggil satu orang kawan sejak dari kecil yang expert tentang hardware and software.
Aku minta pendapat dia. Lastly, dia cakap dia jual laptop dia RM600.
Then, aku tanpa segan silu menawarkan diri untuk membeli.
Biarpun muka Madam Mama sudah menunjukkan isyarat tidak setuju. Hee~
Memang kadang-kadang, aku terpaksa fight untuk diri aku.
Sebab, aku rasa aku selalu ikut keputusan parents aku, and honestly, this trouble me so much.
Bukan menyesal, tapi at the age of 21, anda mungkin akan sedih bila our  future, our money and others bout us fully handle by our parents and at the same time we don’t want to be called anak durhaka. This will makes u sound grrrrrr.. Haha.
Btw, nampaknya memang agak serabut kan blog ni.
Apa pun tak boleh. Actually, I am not staying at the hostel nemore. J
So, tiap kali ada kelas, aku kena naik bas awam.
Dua kali tukar bas, memang menguji kecekalan mental dan fizikal.^^
But, now I am trying to be a new me! Setelah banyak dugaan, rintangan sepanjang sem ni,
aku cuba jadi hamba Allah yang lebih baik. Step by step.
But, for sure, not a drastic changes. Aku dihantui sebenarnya. Banyak benda yang berlegar-legar dalam otak aku sekarang. Aku rasa amat berserabut.
Ya ALLAH, berat sangat dugaan kali ini.
Sekarang, aku duduk di rumah sendiri. Tentu sekali akan lebih banyak benda yang menggoda aku.
Tapi, apa boleh buat, kuatkan iman melawan semua godaan. Kadang-kadang tewas dengan nafsu sendiri hinggakan aku pernah rasa menyesal.
Namun begitu, aku rasa tenang bila dekat dengan family. Hmm.
Aku rasa minggu ni minggu paling teruk berlaku sepanjang hidup aku.
Apa pun, just enjoy the show.